One of the best suggestions I received was to post tutorials on the blog here for beginners who might not be familiar with heirloom sewing techniques. I thought it was a great idea. Thank you Pam! I have a Tutorials page now with a link at the top of the Home page.
My first tutorial shows how to make piping for heirloom garments. Click here. It’s a basic feature for smocked dresses and classic children’s clothing. It supports the smocking on yoke dresses and inserts. It can be used as trim on a cuff, or around a peter pan collar. But’s it’s also a lesson that isn’t taught in most basic sewing classes. It’s simple, doesn’t cost a lot of money and adds such an elegant touch.
In the next few weeks, I’ll be posting other tutorials on topics such as an easy way to make a continuous bound placket and binding a neckline. More topics will be posted as I cover different techniques in future patterns.
I hope you enjoy them!